What is the NEAT Fair? The NEAT Fair is the largest and finest electric model aircraft gathering in North America, and probably the world.
What does "NEAT" stand for? NEAT is an acronym for Northeast Electric Aircraft Technology.
Why Peaceful Valley Campgrounds?
SEFLI decided to hold this new meet at a more "stable" location. The Peaceful Valley campgrounds offers much more than just a great modeling site. It is also a great vacation site! PV campground's "logistics" also offers the organizers more "latitude" in the running of the meet.
Where is Downsvillle, NY?
The Peaceful Valley Campground is along the east branch of the Delaware River near the northwest corner of the Catskill Mountains, 2.5 hours northwest of NYC. It is only a little more than an hour from Scranton, PA, and Binghamton, NY.
Who/what can I expect to see there?
Electric model enthusiasts from all over North America attend the three day Fair. They bring with them hundreds of different types of models; scale, sport, micro, giant scale, jets, helicopters, slow flyers, park flyers .... you name it... it will be there, all powered by electric motors!! Vendors and manufacturers will also be on hand to talk about new products/ideas and sell you their products/wares.
What is the format of the meet?
The field will be open all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for AMA members to fly their models. The field will be shut down from 12 noon to 1pm, each day, for 6 demo flights, by some of the most talented electric modelers in attendance. The pit area will be open for spectators to view all the models brought to the meet. The flightline will be far enough away for safety, but close enough for great, unobstructed, viewing of these graceful, quiet models against a Catskill Mountain landscape. Food concessions will be on-site for the entire 3 day event, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner most days. Prizes will be raffled off throughout the weekend.
Use these links to:
Get directions / maps to NEAT See a list of local motels / hotels Jump to the Peaceful Valley website
Official NEAT Fair Web Site
Webmaster: Joe Cabana