The following vendors/individuals have donated prizes or cash to the NEAT Fair:
Garage RC | Hitec/RCD | RA Cores |
Tom Hunt | Marty Ludwin | Dr Mike Fusco |
Dave Baron | Ned Bassick |
2025 Confirmed Vendors |
Non-vendor selling rules:
Individuals not associated with any hobby retailer may sell their own new or used items at the NEAT Fair without becoming a vendor and paying vendor fees. They CANNOT take a spot on the flight line if they are not registered as a pilot and plan to fly as well. Space will be made available to them in vendor row to sell their personal items if they do not meet these requirements.
Individuals who buy and sell new or used hobby products regularly (such as an estate seller or used model tradesman) will be required to register as a vendor and pay vendor fees.
Please contact to obtain the link to the vendor form.
Official NEAT Fair Web Site
Webmaster: Joe Cabana